TAISETSU The Deep Snow of Winter

Heritage collection with dials reflecting the Japanese aesthetic of 24 sekki



Heritage 系列

RMB 49,000.00



1967年发表的「62GS」,是GS历史上首款自动上链的机械腕表。将「62GS」的壳型进行现代诠释。表盘源自二十四节气中的「大雪」,浅灰色表盘宛如白雪覆盖,大地苍茫的深雪景象,此时悄然静谧,秒针无声滑过。搭载Spring Drive 9R65机芯,由「信州时之匠工房」工艺精湛的职人组装。


外观: 高密度钛合金
底盖: 透视螺丝
镜面材质: 箱型蓝宝石水晶镜面
镜面镀膜: 内面防眩镀膜
表径: 直径 40.0mm 耳对耳 47.0mm 厚度 12.8mm
带宽: 21mm
表扣种类: 三折式表扣
表带周长: 202mm
机芯编号: 9R65 操作说明
机芯种类: Spring Drive
动力储存: 约72小时(3 days)
精准度: 平均月差为±15秒(日差相当于±1秒)
防水: 10气压
耐磁: 4,800 A/m
  • 可锁式表冠
  • 抗金属过敏
  • 宝石数30
  • 动力储存功能

Miyuki, the deep snow

Pine trees crusted with snow, silent under the sun of winter. It’s when the world has settled into a slumber only to awaken in the spring. This model’s dial celebrates the winter snow as it gathers and glitters against the sunlight.

As nature slows down the beginning of winter (Rittō), flurries of snow (Shōsetsu) begin before the heavy snow (Taisetsu). This season welcomes the shortest day of the year (Tōji), as days become cold (Shōkan), and life experiences the coldest day of the year (Taikan).

Caliber 9R65 uses sophisticated modern technology coupled with the skilled hand of a master craftsman for the finest adjustments and highest precision possible, highlighting the seamless passage of time with a Spring Drive movement.

Learn more about Caliber 9R65

Unveiling its deep sensibilities and a reverence for the Japanese passage of time, Grand Seiko has reimagined the iconic 62GS design with four new timepieces for its Heritage Collection.